Greg Stoddard
Senior Research Director

Greg Stoddard is a Senior Research Director for the Crime Lab and Education Lab. He oversees a portfolio of projects related to policing, criminal justice reform, and education. His work blends techniques from data science and social science to help address challenging problems faced in public policy. Prior to joining the Labs, Greg received his Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University. More information can be found on his personal website.

Policy Brief: Understanding and Improving Early Intervention Systems
This policy brief is a summary of a research paper entitled “Predicting Police Misconduct” by Greg Stoddard, Dylan Fitzpatrick, and Jens Ludwig.
NBER Working Paper: Predicting Police Misconduct
This paper outlines the results of research on over a decade of Chicago Police Department data that shows it is possible to predict risk of on-duty and off-duty misconduct, allowing police departments to prioritize training and supportive resources.

2024 End-of-Year Analysis: Chicago Crime Trends
Gun violence remains one of the most pressing challenges in America but there are signs of progress.
New Jersey Portfolio
The Crime Lab is partnering with the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to help strengthen reforms to the state’s criminal justice system introduced in 2017, including eliminating cash bail and introducing a risk assessment tool to aid in pretrial release decisions.

Officer Support System (OSS)
The Crime Lab partnered with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) to develop the Officer Support System (OSS), a next-generation, data-driven early intervention system to promote officers’ long-term mental health and wellness.

Latest Updates
Using Machine Learning to Predict—and Prevent—Police Misconduct
In this episode of The Pie, Greg Stoddard, Senior Research Director for the Crime Lab and Education Lab, discusses recent research using administrative data from the Chicago Police Department to predict officers misconduct, before it happens.

Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons: Can police misconduct be stopped before it starts?
Crime Lab Senior Research Director Greg Stoddard joins Patrick Smith on WBEZ Reset to discuss results from a new study of an algorithm that can help identify which officers are likely to commit misconduct.

UChicago Crime Lab Study Finds Officer Support Systems Can Use Data to Predict Risk of Police Officer Misconduct, Offers a Low-Cost Decision Aid for Targeting Resources
Findings from a study of an officer support system using Chicago Police Department data show that it is possible to predict an officer’s future risk of serious misconduct.