Jun 2023
Video about the Narcotics Arrest Diversion Program
This video provides an overview of the Crime Lab’s evaluation of the Narcotics Arrest Diversion Program, a program implemented by the community behavioral health provider Thresholds.
In this program, individuals eligible for diversion are connected with a substance use counselor, are released without criminal charges, and face no threat of future prosecution related to the arrest.
Early findings of the study show that the program successfully engages participants in treatment and significantly reduces re-arrest rates, demonstrating that a sanction-free response to the opioid crisis can work at scale to help make cities safer and healthier.
NADP is a partnership between the Chicago Police Department, the Chicago High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, the Chicago Department of Public Health, and Thresholds.
Agent-Based Model of Combined Community- and Jail-Based Take-Home Naloxone Distribution
This paper outlines the impact and cost-effectiveness of naloxone distribution, particularly for people facing criminal justice involvement.
Empirical Analysis of Prediction Mistakes in New York City Pretrial Data
Brookings Institution Commentary: Making the invisible epidemic visible
Using new data from a large urban trauma center in Chicago, we document substantial under-reporting of domestic violence at the time of receiving medical care.
NADP Research Brief
Research Brief for the Narcotics Arrest Diversion Program.
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