
2024 End-of-Year Analysis: Chicago Crime Trends
Gun violence remains one of the most pressing challenges in America but there are signs of progress.

Webinar: Untapped Levers for Reducing Gun Violence – The Impact of Behavioral Science Programs
Learn more about our study of Choose to Change® and other behavioral science interventions.

Summer Safety Analysis: Chicago Crime Trends
These data visualizations present our summer safety analysis on Chicago crime trends.

Transforming Criminal Justice Responses to Substance Use: Impacts on Crime, Housing, and Health Outcomes
This paper evaluates the impact of diverting individuals who possess drugs away from arrest and into substance use treatment in Chicago between 2010-2022.

Local Gun Violence Dashboards
Chicago’s Violence Reduction Dashboard, launched by the Crime Lab in 2021, is featured in a toolkit created by Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund as a part of its Gun Violence Data Fellowship.

Coming April 2025: Unforgiving Places
Crime Lab Pritzker Director Jens Ludwig authored a book that argues the lack of progress in reducing gun violence ultimately stems from our having misunderstood the nature of the problem, and that behavioral science gives us a new way to understand – and solve – gun violence in America.

Valuing the benefits of reducing firearm violence in the United States
This paper estimates the monetized value of the impact of reducing firearm violence and how that value is distributed across the population.

Video: Creating Safer Communities by Improving Policing
Griffin Catalyst highlights the Policing Leadership Academy, a new national leadership program that brings together rising police leaders from around the country for five months of advanced, intensive training in management best practices, leveraging data and technology and building community trust—all with the ultimate goal of creating safer, more vibrant communities.

Expanding Access to Addiction Treatment
This paper explores practical strategies to expand access to addiction treatment for persons living with opioid use disorders (OUDs).

Agent-Based Model of Combined Community- and Jail-Based Take-Home Naloxone Distribution
This paper outlines the impact and cost-effectiveness of naloxone distribution, particularly for people facing criminal justice involvement.

2024 End-of-Year Analysis: Chicago Crime Trends
Gun violence remains one of the most pressing challenges in America but there are signs of progress.

Policy Experiment Stations to Accelerate State and Local Government Innovation
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) published this memo about strategies for building capacity and accelerating state and local government innovation.

Reflections from UChicago Crime Lab’s Community Violence Intervention Leadership Academy
Watch a video of reflections from graduations of the Community Violence Intervention Leadership Academy’s second cohort.

A Cognitive View of Policing
This paper evaluates the impact of a behaviorally informed training program designed to improve officer decision-making and reduce adverse policing outcomes in Chicago.

Choose to Change® (C2C®) Program Guide
This program guide is intended for community-based organizations working to fill gaps in services and reach an underserved population of youth impacted by violence and trauma.

Building safer communities: Behavioral science innovations in youth violence prevention
This policy brief highlights results from a large-scale randomized controlled trial that evaluated the impact of Choose to Change® (C2C®) on participants’ criminal justice involvement.

Unpacking the Impacts of a Youth Behavioral Health Intervention: Experimental Evidence from Chicago
This working paper details results from a study of Choose to Change® (C2C®), a trauma-informed cognitive behavioral therapy and intensive mentoring program developed by nonprofits Brightpoint and Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Criminal Offending Examining the Efficacy and Potential Impact
In this issue brief, the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research covers several Crime Lab evaluations of CBT interventions.

Webinar: Untapped Levers for Reducing Gun Violence – The Impact of Behavioral Science Programs
Learn more about our study of Choose to Change® and other behavioral science interventions.