Oct 2019
University of Chicago Crime Lab: The Next 10
This video offers an overview of the Crime Lab and highlights some of the programs we have evaluated.
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We can do more to stop gun violence, with more support for community intervention
In a commentary published by the Chicago Sun-Times, Vaughn Bryant and Paul Carrillo cite Crime Lab data showing that each dollar invested into community violence intervention programs provides between $4 and $20 of social good in return.
Cities are increasingly embracing violence interventions programs to control deadly violence
Route Fifty covers the Crime Lab’s evaluation of READI Chicago – a violence intervention initiative that provides those most at risk of gun violence with supported job and cognitive-behavioral programming.
How Chicagoans are tackling gun violence
Kim Smith, Director of Programs at the University of Chicago Crime Lab joins WBEZ’s Reset podcast with Sasha-Ann Simons to discuss solutions to gun violence.