Members of the second CVILA cohort gather with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Photo by John Nacion.
Members of the second CVILA cohort gather with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Photo by John Nacion.

The second cohort of the CVILA is composed of 31 community violence intervention leaders representing 20 localities, which accounted for about 13% of homicides in the U.S. in 2022.

CVILA cohort two members in class.

View a gallery of photos from the second cohort of the CVILA

CVILA cohort 2 in New York City – July 2024

Members of the second CVILA cohort in a classroom in New York City.
Speaker at CVILA reception in New York City.
Members of the second CVILA cohort in New York City.
Members of the second CVILA cohort in New York City.

Introducing the second CVILA Cohort

Latest Updates

A New Way To Address Gun Violence You’ve Never Heard Of
Feb 2024

A New Way To Address Gun Violence You’ve Never Heard Of

Former Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department Charlie Beck, Crime Lab Faculty Director Jens Ludwig, and CVILA Executive Director Dr. Chico Tillmon penned this Newsweek op-ed on the importance of raising awareness about community violence interventions and how they can be used to continue the gun violence reduction trends we saw in 2023.

Second Chance Month: Centering Lived Experience in Violence Intervention
Media Mention
National League of Cities
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Second Chance Month: Centering Lived Experience in Violence Intervention

In recognition of Second Chance Month, the National League of Cities’ Maryam Ahmed and Kirby Gaherty write about the importance of centering “credible messengers”—people with lived experience in the justice system—to advance community safety and highlight the Crime Lab’s Community Violence Intervention Leadership Academy.

Faith leaders: City Hall must step up to the plate and provide more funding for violence prevention
Chicago Tribune
Feb 2024

Faith leaders: City Hall must step up to the plate and provide more funding for violence prevention

Michael Pfleger, Otis Moss III, Seth Limmer, and Ciera Bates-Chamberlain comment on the importance of funding community violence intervention (CVI) initiatives and point to the Crime Lab’s CVI Leadership Academy as a shining example, whose inaugural cohort was recognized by Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House.